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第5部分(第4/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 海島求生:我靠錦鯉崽崽囤物資小木屋求生:無限危機網遊:開局雙隱藏職業?我全都要滿級單防的我,虐哭了梅西C羅玄幻開局一身無敵大招小說全文免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒玄幻開局一身無敵大招免費閱讀全文矩陣生存:每天一個隨機寶箱羅天藍秀兒小說最新章節免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒免費閱讀無彈窗九卷天書諸天無敵羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵丸子先生羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵最新章節線上閱讀羅天藍秀兒小說全文免費閱讀九卷天書諸天無敵小說全文免費閱讀全民十連抽,我能看到抽獎機率夏天司馬蘭網遊:得知我的天賦,妹子們跪了網遊:蛻變之路無限刷屬性,一箭射爆諸天林默安幼魚我的養成系女友免費閱讀全文

for sure she'd be up at the bus stop; but no。 Garrett said

he saw her trucking along on her bike in a bright

yellow poncho; and in math I noticed that her pants were still soaked from the knees down。

When math let out; I started to chase after her to tell her that she ought to try riding the bus

again; but I stopped myself in the nick of time。 What

was I thinking? That Juli wouldn't take a little friendly concern and pletely misinterpret it?

Whoa now; buddy; beware! Better to just leave well

enough alone。

After all; the last thing I needed was for Juli Baker to think I missed her。

The Sycamore Tree

I love to watch my father paint。 Or really; I love to hear him talk while he paints。 The words

always e out soft and somehow heavy when he's

brushing on the layers of a landscape。 Not sad。 Weary; maybe; but peaceful。

My father doesn't have a studio or anything; and since the garage is stuffed with things that

everyone thinks they need but no one ever uses; he

paints outside。

Outside is where the best landscapes are; only they're nowhere near our house。 So what he

does is keep a camera in his truck。 His job as a

mason takes him to lots of different locations; and he's always on the lookout for a great

sunrise or sunset; or even just a nice field with sheep or

cows。 Then he picks out one of the snapshots; clips it to his easel; and paints。

