首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 純美英文故事 > 第9部分

第9部分(第1/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 人在荒野,櫻花亂殺開局弓箭手,滿天箭雨瞭解一下競彩足球的進行時網遊之統一全球王者:定榜雙區第一,我火爆全網NBA:開局融合鯊魚文班亞馬籃球:在NBA修仙的日子虛擬現實:這個NPC不是太正經開局解約,我用足球征服歐洲網遊:開局淪為祭品,我反手弒神王者:讓你穩村標,你拿大國標?上交求生遊戲後國家霸榜了世界OL2初之心盛霆燁葉凡唐若雪盧丹妮鄧佳哲周錚穿越成太子的小說隆霧迷眼南璃楚爍免費穿越小說沈驚覺和白小小

Her sisters went through the world being cherished and adored and sought after by all manner of young men。 Merope watched the parade pass by her quiet corner; pleased that it made her sisters happy。 To amuse herself; she learned to read and write and began writing down her fantasies of what her life would be like if she were as beautiful and brilliant as her siblings1。

The other six pitied Merope; for while they thought themselves beautiful; to them she was only pretty。 Where they were vibrant with the joy of life; Merope wore a dreamy countenance that many found uninviting。 She seemed so taken with the world of her dreams that they assumed she was unhappy with her lot。

The young men continued to e and go; changing as frequently as her sisters’ whims。 The only male face Merope saw with any regularity was Sisyphus; the mason who was building a stone wall around their property。 Her sisters paid him no heed; for he didn’t wear fine clothes and didn’t bring them gifts。 He would e into the kitchen through the back door and would ask Merope to find her father for him to answer some question or other about the exact placement of the wall。

Merope noticed that Sisyphus treated her with plete respect; and seemed to genuinely care when he asked how she was。 On occasion; he would bring her a bucket of berries or a bag of apples he’d found in his wanderings; and Merope would blush as she accepted these gifts。 Her sisters laughed at her; and the gifts from Sisyphus
