首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped chapter 13 > 第12部分

第12部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 全職明星網遊:從一場邂逅開始開局系統已壞,只好帶威少拿冠軍吞噬星空之支取天賦什麼邪法?我這是正兒八經的正法從武道通神開始小富則安多我一個後富怎麼了我沒落網,憑什麼說我有罪!別再催眠我了,反派皇女!三國:我不是曹睿1991我的年代華娛熱血傳奇之笑傲江湖領主:我的蟻族無限進化網遊:無限揹包,放裝備就變強封神直播間這個傳奇不對勁全民大航海,我開局一條幽靈船遊戲現實雙面板,別人刷怪我看海全民荒野求生,開局SSS級天賦

ackyard is; like; covered in turds! I mean; look at your place; Juli!” He

pointed at our house and said; “Just look at it。 It's a

plete dive!”

“It is not!” I cried; but the truth was sitting right across the street; impossible to deny。 My

throat suddenly choked closed and I found it painful to

speak。 “Have you… always thrown them away?”

He shrugged and looked down。 “Juli; look。 We didn't want to hurt your feelings。”

“My feelings? Do you realize Mrs。 Stueby and Mrs。 Helms pay me for my eggs?”

“You're kidding。”

“No! They pay me two dollars a dozen!”

“No way。”

“It's true! All those eggs I gave to you I could've sold to Mrs。 Stueby or Mrs。 Helms!”

“Oh;” he said; and looked away。 Then he eyed me and said; “Well; why did you just give

them to us?”

I was fighting back tears; but it was hard。 I choked out; “I was trying to be neighborly…!”

He put down the trash can; then did something that made my brain freeze。 He held me by

the shoulders and looked me right in the eyes。 “Mrs。

Stueby's your neighbor; isn't she? So's Mrs。 Helms; right? Why be neighborly to us and not


What was he trying to say? Was it still so obvious how I felt about him? And if he knew; how

could he have been so heartless; just throwing my

eggs away like that; week after week; year after year?

I couldn't find any words。 None at all。 I just stared at him; at t


尊我為王一粟雜亂詩詞蓮之愛.東方不敗 夜縈BL都市修仙專家重生巨星之寵翻天(全本)邪魅小師妹