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第9部分(第4/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 海島求生:我靠錦鯉崽崽囤物資小木屋求生:無限危機網遊:開局雙隱藏職業?我全都要滿級單防的我,虐哭了梅西C羅玄幻開局一身無敵大招小說全文免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒玄幻開局一身無敵大招免費閱讀全文矩陣生存:每天一個隨機寶箱羅天藍秀兒小說最新章節免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒免費閱讀無彈窗九卷天書諸天無敵羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵丸子先生羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵最新章節線上閱讀羅天藍秀兒小說全文免費閱讀九卷天書諸天無敵小說全文免費閱讀全民十連抽,我能看到抽獎機率夏天司馬蘭網遊:得知我的天賦,妹子們跪了網遊:蛻變之路無限刷屬性,一箭射爆諸天林默安幼魚我的養成系女友免費閱讀全文

or Juli so I could

whip the door open before she had the chance to knock or ring the bell; and then I'd bury the

eggs in the trash before my dad showed up。

Then came the day I blew it。 Juli'd actually been making herself pretty scarce because it was

around the time they'd taken the sycamore tree

down; but suddenly one morning she was back on our doorstep; delivering eggs。 I took them;

as usual; and I went to chuck them; as usual。 But the

kitchen trash was so full that there wasn't any room for the carton; so I put it on top; picked

up the trash; and beat it out the front door to empty

everything into the garbage can outside。

Well; guess who's just standing there like a statue on my porch?

The Egg Chick。

I about spilled the trash all over the porch。 “What are you still doing here?” I asked her。

“I…I don't know。 I was just … thinking。”

“About what?” I was desperate。 I needed a distraction。 Some way around her with this

garbage before she noticed what was sitting right there on

top。She looked away like she was embarrassed。 Juli Baker embarrassed? I didn't think it was


……… Page 28………

Whatever。 The golden opportunity to whip a soggy magazine over the egg carton had

presented itself; and buddy; I took it。 Then I tried to make a

fast break for the garbage can in the side yard; only she body…blocked me。 Seriously。 She


