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第18部分(第5/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 廢土紀元:第四天災降臨10投必中8,你管這叫中投掛?收手吧,阿祖,外面全是玩家!楚天河秦曉柔葉攬希赫司堯為在空島生存,連夜釣上神級武將予你熱戀每日一問,今天他又氪了多少?王者:天才只是見我的門檻!狂武戰王楚天河秦曉柔妖小米新書王爺鄰家大小姐看上你了林雲嫣徐簡小說全本免費閱讀林雲嫣徐簡小說全文免費閱讀完整版林雲嫣徐簡的小說全文免費閱讀無彈窗林雲嫣徐簡全集小說閱讀免費燕辭歸免費閱讀小說炮灰女配在修仙界內捲成神楊洛異界群雄爭霸,我慢慢無敵重生我主宰了全球經濟陳浩蘇雪

 shut up; you hear me? This is not

what you think。”

“Whoa; kick back; will ya? I wasn't thinking anything…。” But I could see the little gears go

click…click…click in his brain。 Then he smirks at me and

says; “I'm sure you've got a perfectly reasonable explanation for why you're carrying a picture

of Juli Baker around with you。”

The way he said it scared me。 Like he was playing with the idea of roasting me in front of the

whole class。 I leaned over and said; “Zip it; would


The teacher hammered on us to be quiet; but it didn't stop Garrett from smirking at me or

doing the double…eyebrow wiggle in the direction of my

binder。 After class Darla tried to act all cool and preoccupied; but she had her radar up and

pointed our way。 She shadowed me practically all day;

so there was no real window of opportunity to explain things to Garrett。

What was I going to tell him; anyway? That the paper was in my binder because I was trying

to hide it from my sister? That would help。

Besides; I didn't want to make up some lame lie about it。 I actually wanted to talk to Garrett。 I

mean; he was my friend; and a lot had happened in

the last couple of months that was weighing on me。 I thought that if I talked to him; maybe

he'd help get me back on track。 Help me to stop thinking

about everything。 Garrett was real reliable in that arena。

Luckily; in s

