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第18部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 公路求生,我能入侵修改系統網遊之我的屬性變變變讓你發育領地,你打造神靈軍團?黑暗求生:我能無限合成網遊之亂世輝煌聯盟之臥龍軍師想他穿越火線之我在火線世界武俠:我,暴打重生者NBA:愛發推特的我統治了聯盟金幣億萬萬,我養出眾神領地虹卡對決網壇之資料天王王者:扮演女英雄,我成全民女神領主:開局召喚齊天大聖孫悟空女裝一萬次,我不乾淨了!生存遊戲:開局給個王寶釧別人公路求生,我開局招募大兵擁有魔王基因的我,真沒想吃軟飯網遊三國佔山為王

she did look like the picture。 A

lot like the picture。

Making that connection sent a chill down my spine。 And I wondered — what was she thinking?

Could she really be that interested in root


Darla Tressler caught me watching; and man; she gave me the world's wickedest smile。 If I

didn't do something fast; this was going to spread like

wildfire; so I squinted at her and whispered; “There's a bee in her hair; stupid;” then pointed

around in the air like; There it goes; see?

Darla's neck whipped around searching for the bee; and I straightened out my focus for the

rest of the day。 The last thing I needed was to be

scorched by the likes of Darla Tressler。

That night I was doing my homework; and just to prove to myself that I'd been wrong; I pulled

that newspaper article out of my trash can。 And as

I'm flipping it over; I'm telling myself; It's a distortion of reality; it's my imagination; she doesn't

really look like that…。

But there she was。 The girl in my math class; two rows over and one seat up; glowing

through newsprint。

Lyta barged in。 “I need your sharpener;” she said。

I slammed my binder closed over the paper and said; “You're supposed to knock!” And then;

since she was zooming in and the paper was still

sticking out; I crammed the binder into my backpack as fast as I could。

“What are you trying to hide there

