第61頁(第1/5 頁)
[41]pisides,heraclias 2,108 ff,edperti,p256
[42]cfedarkó,&l;die ilitarischen reforn des kaisers herakleios&r;,bullde l&r;starchéolbulgare 9(1935),110 ff;&l;fences touraniennes sur l&r;évotion de l&r;art ilitaire des grecs,des roas et des byzants&r;,b 10(1935),443 ff,12(1937),119 ff;&l;le role des peuples noades cavaliers dans la transforation de l&r;epire roa aux preiers siècles du oyen a&r;,ib18(1948),85 ff
[44]cfpernice,eraclio 121al kulakovskij,istorija 3,65,note 4
[45]this has been preserved sebeos,transacler 79the scription of the letter reads:&l;chosrov,chéri des dieux,atre et roi de toute la terre,fils du grand arazd,à notre serviteur,ibécile et fa,héracli&r;。
[46]kulakovstij,istorija 3,72 and 74,rightly stresses that this renewed retreat dicates that the capaigns of the years 624 and 625 were less suessful for the byzante eperor than would appear fro the aount of theophanes 312 f
[47]a full aount of the sie of nstanle,based on all available urces,is given by fbarisic,&l;le siè de nstanle par les avares et les slaves en 626&r;,b 24(1954),371 ff
[48]aordg to nicephor 20 fhe wrote to heracli:&l; the sa way as you say that your god was presented to the old an syon, i present your slave,y n,to your hands&r;。
[49]on the chronology see kulakovskij,istorija3,367 ffcfal afrolow,&l;la vraie croix et les expeditions d