第131頁(第1/4 頁)
[144]runcian,roan lecapen 45,is rightly spicio of the assertion of nicholas ystic(igne,pg 111,217)that leo 6 had penitently recalled hi to the patriar插l throhis is not supported by byzante chroniclers who on the ntrary refer to his restatent as the first act of alexander;cfsy,log,onnt871
[145]aordg to apkazdan,&l;k voprosu o nacale vtoroj bolgaro-vizantijskoj vojny pri sione&r;(on the estion of the begng of the send war beeen the bulgars and byzantiu under syon),slavjanskij archiv,osw 1959,23 ff,the war with syon did not beg after the death of alexander,as was argued by zlatarski,istorija 12,358 ff,and&l;pervyj pochod bolgarskogo carja siona na konstanol&r;(the first capaign of the bulgarian tzar syon agast nstanle),recueil kondakov,prague 1926,19 ff,but,apparently,while he was still alive
[146]cfdolr,&l;bulgarisches zartu und byzantisches kaisertu&r;,bullde l&r;starchéolbulgare 9(1935),57 ff(reprted dolr,byzanz 140 ff);ostrogorsky,&l;avtok-rator&r;121 ff,and&l;die byzantische staatenhierarchie&r;,sekond8(1936),45cfal dolr,&l;der bulgarenherrscher als istlicher hn des byzantischen kaisers&r;sbornik nikov 1940,219 ff(reprted dolr,byzanz 183 ff)。
[147]on the ronation of syon as eperor cfostrogorsky,&l;avtokrator&r;121 ff,and&l;die kronung syons von bulgarien&r;,bullde l&r;starchéolbulgare 9(1935),275 ff
[148]leo the dean 123,。
[149]aordg to the life of stke the younr(igne,pg 111,449 ff)the bulgarian vasion forced the sat to