第89頁(第1/5 頁)
[108]the terpretation of this asure which is given by cassiatis,b 7(1932),149 ff,as al by bury,eastern roepire 216 f,sees to to be untenableon the whole i prefer the views of onnier,&l;epibole&r;19,p87 ff,ste,studien 156 f,dolr,reg378,and bratianu,?tudes byz208 ffcfy criticiss of cassiatis and bury &l;lohne und preise byzanz&r;,bz 32(1932),308,note 4for further ration on terest and ury byzantiu,ibid308 ff;for ore detail cfcassiatis,les térêts dans la législation de jtien et dans le droit byzant(1931)。
[109]jtianian law(djt4,32,26)liited the rates of terest as follows:perns of high rank were allowed 4 per cent(trientes urae),r插nts 8 per cent(besses urae),all others 6 per cent(seisses urae),while the state was al liited to 6 per cent(djt10,8,3)the official rate of terest was however later raised,and this was anad without an open breach with the jtianian law by adjtg the rate to the vae of the current a under leo 6(nov83):trientes urae aounted to 1 keration for each noisa that the rate was actuallyper cent stead of 4 per cent the eleventh century(peiar Ⅺ10,1)trientes urae,seisses urae and besses urae aounted respectively to 4,6 and 8 noisata per 1 gold pound,th aountg practice to 555 per cent,833 per cent and 1171 per centeach gold pound ealled 72 gold noisata,1 gold noisa ealled 12 silver iliaresia or 24 keratia,and 1 iliaresion ealled 24 pper folleis
[110]theophanes 486,24:cfglykatzi-ahrweiler,recherches,19 f
[111]theophanes 48